
Tic Tac Toe

Tic Tac Toe

Demo / GitHub

Built with React, Rails, Bootstrap and D3.js

I improved and expanded on this basic tic tac toe code:

  • Refactored into container and presentational components
  • Uses a Rails API to store game data
  • New features (restart button, highlighting a win)
  • Styled with Bootstrap 4
  • Animated D3 donut chart component uses ActionCable to show real time stats

Rich Cat/Poor Cat

Rich Cat/Poor Cat

Demo / GitHub

Built with Rails, Materialize and <canvas>

A game about the rising income inequality between cats. Just kidding, it’s a way to look at cat pictures disguised as a game!

Riley Water Consulting

Riley Water Consulting

Demo / GitHub

Built with Rails, Bootstrap and the Google Maps API

Water rights management system for Riley Water Consulting.

HMI Runs

HMI Runs

Demo ( and password) / GitHub

Built with Rails, Bootstrap, Chart.js and Creative Tim’s Paper Kit

An exercise tracking site for HMI Buying Group.

Bill Hicks Quotes

Bill Hicks Quotes

Demo / GitHub

A Google Chrome extension that replaces the new tab page with a random Bill Hicks quote.

Drone Map

Drone Map

Demo / GitHub

Built with Rails, Bootstrap and the Google Maps API

A map of every reported US drone strike using Dronestream data.